
Tsuganei (津金井?) a fictional Japanese city that serves as the setting for FLCL Alternative and its sequel, FLCL: Shoegaze.

Tsuganei appears to be a medium landlocked Japanese city with few or no dense urban areas. There is a large portion of land used for farming. Like Mabase and Ohzu, it has a large river running through the town, spanned by multiple bridges. Despite its landlocked location, the ocean appears to be within driving distance.

The two major locations are the Karen Yuden shopping center, which Medical Mechanica used to hide its building in Alternative and the Tsuganei Tower in Shoegaze.

Within Tsuganei Tower, there is a museum that covers the history of the city.

There appears to several smaller wards within Tsuganei. Harumi Araishu mentions that there is a forth district that is home to a Japanese candy store with an old creepy lady that runs it. There also appears to be another ward or city called Yoshinaga, which has both a home center and a supermarket with the same name. The girls in "Alternative" had to take a bus to get to there, while Kana had to drive there in Shoegaze.

Other notable locations:

  • Karaoke Wainu (where Hijiri works at)
  • Tsuganei 3rd High School (the high school that Kana and her friends attended)
  • Soba Restaurant (owned and operated by Dennis Yoga)
  • Hetada Residence
  • Koumoto Residence
  • Home Center Nut
  • Yoshinaga Supermarket
  • Yoshinaga Home Center
  • DADISO (a parody of the actual Japanese discount store, DAISO)
  • Tsuganei Park

