
The FLCL Archives is a 2016 artbook published by Style that showcases the artwork from the first season of FLCL. In 2019, the book was translated into English and later released by Udon Entertainment.

The book includes key promotional art, character, prop, and location designs, rough sketches, and more. Also included are plenty of illustrator notes and even a look at early proposal documents for the series ranging from scrapped ideas, early concepts, and first draft scripts for episode(s) one, two, and six.

Early episode drafts[]

Fooly Cooly[]

Compared to the final script, the original draft for the first episode is significantly more different, this is especially prominent when it comes to the opening scene of the series and climax of the first episode, the original title for the episode was, "A Kid Wouldn't Understand".

The scene opens with images of a town resembling a video game map with Naota Nandaba monologuing over it about the arrival of the Medical Mechanica plant and how the adults who got excited about it, including his father are, in his own words, "immature little children". The topic then switches to his older brother and how Naota considers him to be the only real adult he knows, going on how he'll be a pro at baseball overseas before the scene cuts to a letter from Tasuku where he writes: "I'm leaving things at home in your hands, so long and good luck. Look after dad, look after gramps, and lastly..." before the scene cuts to a shot of Mamimi Samejima resting silently against a wall playing her portable game, "Fire Starter", waiting for Naota to leave school. (This scene would eventually be reused in the opening of the second episode).

Naota then asks Mamimi what she's doing at his school and if she's cutting class again, ignoring his questions Mamimi drags him along while his classmates look at them and wonder if the rumors that Mamimi and Naota are a couple is true. The scene then changes to a bench on a hill that overlooks the town as Naota and Mamimi are stated as "juicily locking lips". This continues for a while before Mamimi teasingly threatens, "I'll have your kid" to which Naota fires back with, "You can't make a kid by just kissing, dummy" before Mamimi reveals that she and his brother used to spend a lot of time together on this bench as Naota proceeds to give her some of his brother's cigarettes that he left behind. While Mamimi smokes she gazes out at the town, getting a clear view of the Medical Mechanica factory (it's stated in a comment that her father is an employee) as she then proceeds to clutch onto Naota like a stuffed animal saying that if she doesn't do so then she'll "overflow" to which Naota asks what'll happen if she does to which she replies with "something amazing", as Naota asks what she means by this he thinks to himself that while Mamimi tells him he's a stand-in, he believes that she really likes him, or at least someone she wants to cling to, "She's a child, after all".

As the two are on their way home Mamimi wonders if Tasuku will return soon before Naota awkwardly interrupts with "You know what? In America my brother's..." as the two share a gaze in the middle of the street before the sound of an approaching engine roars loudly as Naota gets run down by a reckless Vespa. Mamimi, suddenly holding a camera photographs the incredible scene as Naota is dazed and bleeding from the head. The rider of the Vespa contemplates whether or not she should flee, but then realizes she's been spotted by Mamimi with her camera-- "It's all right" she says after a pause, and rushes over as she removes her helmet -- it's Haruko. "...Ow", Naota mutters weakly before the woman replies with, "Oh what the heck, you're alive, that's good. Welp." before she takes off. Naota returns to the Nandaba residence which is also a bakery, still bleeding from his encounter with Haruko as his grandfather is asleep in the back room. Their pet cat, Miyu Miyu, is there as well. The grandfather, Shigekuni Nandaba, proudly anticipates the brother's success.

Naota then searches his brother's desk drawer for Mamimi's sake but realizes that there are no cigarettes left. Later into the evening Haruko is present, picking at her dinner. "What's she doing here eating dinner?" Naota asks his father, Kamon Nandaba, who then states that she came to buy some baked goods and while she was browsing she worked up an appetite for a meal, so he insisted she come in. Naota then says "She's a hit-and-run driver" to which Haruko vapidly replies with, "Ooo. Now I remember, you're that smart-mouthed kid from before who was fooling around with that high schooler" to which the father responds with "Fooling around?" as he glares at his son to which Naota says "No, she's talking about Mamimi. We just happened to be together". Haruko responds with, "So Mamimi's her name, that cute little thing" as the father adds into the conversation, "She's the girlfriend of his big brother, who's in America now" which causes Haruko to tease Naota, "Oh my, nice going, li'l bro. So that's your game, make her yours while he's out of town".

It goes on like this for a while, with the fact that she ran him over with her bike being unsettled. Furthermore, the dad, who has fallen in love with Haruko at first sight, goes as far as to invite her to live with them. "If you'll have me, please be my second wife" he enthusiastically tells the woman but not before Haruko shoots back with, "Oh my, but if I have my pick I'd prefer someone young. I'm going to be Takkun's bride" as Miyu Miyu listens on.

Later that night Naota walks down the hallway, fresh from a bath when he suddenly hears a voice coming from his room and stops in his tracks. "...Seems like he's still blaming him for his mother going away" the voice says before Haruko responds with, "There's nothing to worry about. He's a boy after all", but who is this other person? Naota throws the door open forcefully and spots Haruko in the room, looking up at the stars through the window and there on the small veranda is the cat, Miyu Miyu. No one else is there and it's so quiet that a wind chime is the only thing that can be heard as the cat lets out a single meow and disappears behind the roof.

"...What are you doing here? Don't just barge into people's rooms" Naota says before Haurko asks him, "Is that a letter from your brother?", on the piece is a piece of air mail with its envelope torn as Naota responds with, "I hope you didn't take the liberty of reading it" to which Haruko curiously replies, "So there's something in there you don't want people reading?" with Naota being unable to form a response and becomes silent. The letter is indeed from Naota's older brother and its contents reveal that he's gotten a new girlfriend in America (or maybe he's surrounded by them) with Mamimi being unaware of all of this.

"So you're really planning to stay here?" Naota asks as Haruko replies with, "Your father said it was all right" before she looks at the bunk bed and adds, "I hear you're on bottom so I'll take the top" much to Naota's annoyance as he shoots back with, "Don't take everything the old man says seriously, stupid". Haruko responds curiously, "Do you hate me?" before Naota responds with, "I hate all grown-ups that still act like kids". At this moment Kamon calls from the other room, "Naota, Mamimi's here". Mamimi came to visit Naota despite it already being nighttime as she attempts to get Naota out of his house as his father stands before her with a cheery smile, but momentarily glares at Naota and says, "You better not be serious about this" as he threatens him with the kitchen knife he's holding.

The scene cuts to a park at night as Naota tells Mamimi that the cigarettes left by his brother have run out as she replies telling him that she finally overflowed. Naota curiously asks, "Tell me what that means. What will happen?", Mamimi then embraces him the way she always does but something about it this time feels off, there's something different about her, she's serious. The girl appears like she really wants Naota but he of course retreats.

Meanwhile, an alarm goes off inside of the Medical Mechanica factory as a piece of “medical equipment” is reported to have “escaped”. As this is happening, Haruko is still watching the stars from the veranda when her bracelet suddenly starts to “react”. This bracelet which has the broken remains of a chain attached, is actually a handcuff used by the Galactic Space Police.

The scene cuts to Mamimi making advances on Naota when suddenly a seemingly haywire robot appears. It’s the escaped “medical equipment”.

The robot’s rampage causes Mamimi to faint while Naota, who is unable to faint, finds himself in a pinch. Suddenly, Haruko appears and bashes the robot in its apparent weak point using her guitar. The robot, Canti, shuts down as Naota is taken aback by Haruko’s unexpected heroic act. Her gallant figure is adult, dazzling, and attractive.

The next morning Kamon is baking as Canti helps him, as this is happening Naota says his goodbyes as he heads out for school. “Morning” greets Mamimi, who has been waiting as the two walk to school together. “About last night…” Mamimi asks awkwardly before the two share a gaze in the middle of the street. Just then, the sound of an approaching engine roars loudly.

Naota gets run down by Haruko’s reckless Vespa driving. “Wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa…!” says the woman as Mamimi, suddenly holding a camera, photographs the incredible scene.

Fire Starter[]

Unlike the other two episodes, the archives provides two alternate drafts.

The scene begins with Haurko riding her vespa while teasing a couple driving in a sports car, (for instance, she could be riding in practically a bikini, attracting the gaze of the male driver) which causes the driver to lose focus and results in the car flipping over pitifully and ends with the vehicle being totaled. Haruko flashes a wicked smile as her vespa begins to increase speed with the Medical Mechanica factory lying on the road ahead, after a bit the car bursts into flames. In a video game, a car burns. The entire town burns. It's revealed that it's the screen of a portable screen, "Fire Starter". As it rains Naota is watching both it and Canti from a window in the Nandaba residence as he has a flashback.

Some time after the events of Canti emerging from his head, Naota had gone to the school nurse to consult her about the issue however he couldn't get her to listen. Naota's flashback is short lived as the family phone soon rings. Naota answers the call and responds with, “Hello... What, what's wrong?...Aww come on, what a pain in the butt..." as Mamimi is on the other end before another call comes in and is waiting, Naota answers the second call and replies with, "... Yes? What, what's wrong?...Aww come on, what're you doing?!", this time Haruko is on the other end. Naota frustratingly hangs up the phone, "...Man, everybody sucks", and starts to leave the house before Naota's dad, Kamon, grabs him as he tries to leave. "Are you meeting Haruko somewhere?" his father says as Naota ignores him and leaves. Regarding this suspicious behavior, Kamon speaks to Canti, who is at work in the bakery: "You follow after him and see what he's up to".

In the pouring rain, Mamimi plays underneath the bridge by the river, still dressed in her school uniform, she is barefoot and soaking her feet in the shallow riverbank, sitting on a rock playing her portable game. Naota approaches with his umbrella up and a paper bag in hand. He produces a pair of sandals from the bag, and hands them to Mamimi as she says her shoes got swept away in the river while she was playing.

“Don’t you think it’s time you grew up?” Naota asks Mamimi before she tries to get Naota to "play" with her before leaving, but he says he's too busy, as she's not the only one who called for him him. Mamimi gets a lonely look in her eye. Suddenly they hear a dog barking and as they go to investigate they find the dog huddled in the corner of a boat shed. Mamimi asks Naota to find something for it to eat, but Naota tells her to find it herself, and coldly takes his leave. After Naota leaves, Mamimi stays there clutching the dog for a while and murmurs "Takkun...".

Naota stops at the Medical Mechanica factory, where he signs to have Haruko released as she tried breaking into the facility with her Vespa. Haruko is pouty and covered in bruises. Of course, she shows no hint of remorse. "Why am I the only grown-up on this entire planet?" Naota sighs as he bails her out. The factory security guard is Mamimi's father who addresses Naota with familiarity. Naota, reflecting on what he and Mamimi do in private, is internally shaken. Haruko detects this and responds with a cool-headed remark.

Meanwhile Mamimi continues clutching onto the dog. The dog, however, is apparently very hungry. Just then, a large shadow approaches Mamimi from behind. She turns, and standing there is the giant form of Canti. Despite her oddness, even Mamimi is at a loss for how to react, when… Canti offers her the bread he was carrying. "Is this for him?" Mamimi asks as the rain conveniently lets up at this time, and a single ray of sunlight shines through the thick cloud cover like a spotlight, illuminating Canti. His body, freshly washed by the rain, sparkles like a god (or so it appears to Mamimi). Hallelujah.

"It's God... You're God..." Mamimi says as she is overcome with emotion (perhaps the dog runs off after eating the bread?). Canti eventually takes his leave and Mamimi follows after him, leading her to the front yard of the Nandaba residence where she encounters the grandfather, Shigekuni, on the front stoop, and he coldly sends her away, evidently, Shigekuni dislikes her. In contrast, when Haruko is brought home by Naota, both the father and grandfather fawn over her, to her delight. Naota takes notice of what's happening at the Nandaba residence as well as Canti's protective gaze over Mamimi, (maybe he actually is God?).

The next day, Naota is coming home from school. He sees Mamimi by the river, being bullied by some female classmates. The classmates take Mamimi's shoes and let them get swept up by the river. Naota in that moment realizes for the first time that this is why Mamimi is always calling him up saying she's lost her shoes, it's because she's being bullied, Naota starts yelling and the bullies scatter.

Having seen and been seen, the two grow awkward and later that night a fire breaks out near the Nandaba residence. It's the house of one of Mamimi's bullies. Rumors spread that it was an act of arson and knowing what he knows, Naota believes Mamimi to be the culprit. The police inevitably show up for questioning, but Naota says he knows nothing while internally he decides that in order to stop Mamimi from setting any fires, he must stay with her at all times. “Could it be she's already hitting other houses?” Naota wonders as he grows anxious and sets out to look for her.

He finds Mamimi on the bridge an in the distance, flames light up the sky. Mamimi is playing her Fire Starter game and as she watches the fire, she comments on how pretty it is. Mamimi continues making remarks that leave it unclear whether she's talking about the game or the actual fires that she started. Naota is on his own because this time it is Mamimi who says "See ya" and takes off. Mamimi starts heading in a direction away from her home, and Naota chases after her as Mamimi lights a cigarette. Without thinking, Naota tries to stop her, but just then, he experiences another "spell" as Haruko's bracelet starts to react again.

A Medical Mechanica branded robot dog emerges from Naota's head, the same dog that had a severed foot last time and immediately after the dog-bot strikes a match and tries to start a fire. Haruko and Canti rush to the scene as Canti battles with the dog-bot, but is suppressed. Haruko, too, is unable to overcome the dog robot's bewildering power as the dog robot goes ballistic, causing both Haruko and Mamimi to be placed in danger.

At this time, Naota is swallowed into the body of Canti causing the robot's "mood" to change. In one fell swoop, his dopey disposition is replaced with one of an intelligent combat robot. Haruko sees Canti in this state and dons a serious expression, "Atomsk... It's you..." she says.

Meanwhile, Naota, surrounded by darkness, discovers he has merged with Canti. He concludes that he has been chosen as Canti's pilot as the robot suddenly takes the offensive, but the combatants' capabilities are evenly matched. "Isn't there any stronger weapon?" Naota seemingly asks himself before a voice calls to him, "There is," says the voice of Atomsk, "but it's dangerous. And when you use it you'll lose consciousness. It might even put your life at risk."

"I don't care, make it happen," says a fervently Naota. A missile-like object launches at high speed from Canti's abdomen. "N. Launcher!" The missile damages the dog-bot and returns. Canti repeats the onslaught. The dog-bot just barely manages to catch the missile-like object, revealing... the projectile is Naota himself, who has lost consciousness after entering "Hard-Cell Mode". Haruko and Mamimi see this. "All right, go for it!", Haruko says unconcerned for Naota's safety, Haruko cheers Canti on. Mamimi is dazzled by Haruko's coolness, and before she knows it they're both cheering together. The N. (Naota) Launcher at last destroys the dog-bot.

Inside Canti, Naota regains consciousness. "I... won?" the disheveled boy asks. Naota separates from Canti. "I've been chosen. I'm the only one who can use this robot," he concludes. Mamimi sees the scar left on Naota's head and mutters, "I bet that hurts..."

Fire Starter ver 2.0[]

The scene begins at the hospital, after having a robot grow out of his head, Naota has come of his own volition to get an X-ray to find out what’s going on. "You've got a hole in there all right. Your head is like a sieve right now." The nurse's voice rings familiar as she makes her shocking claims, and Naota discovers that for some reason, it's Haruko. "What are you doing here?!” Naota yells but Haruko seems to know something about this place.

In the screen of a video game, a car burns, the entire town burns. It's the screen of a portable game, "Fire Starter". Naota is on his way home from the hospital as a fire occurs, despite this, Naota sees Mamimi nearby.

Meanwhile at the Nandaba residence, a Medical Mechanica agent shows up and asserts ownership over Canti, claiming it as the property of Medical Mechanica. Kamon insists that this is no robot, but a TV. Then someone claiming to be an NHK bill collector shows up, followed by the Human Rights Commission, and the bakery descends into chaos.

It starts to rain as Naota watches it as well as the chaos unfolding in the front yard from the window, and has a brief flashback. Mamimi plays Fire Starter while hugging onto Naota from behind. She tells him that a few years ago, there was a big fire in Mabase that burned down the home of the classmate who was bullying her. "I 'used to' get bullied," she says. Suddenly the the phone rings and Naota snaps out of his flashback.

In the pouring rain, Mamimi is playing under by the river under the bridge in her school uniform, she’s playing Fire Starter while hugging onto a puppy from behind. She is barefoot, and soaking her feet in the shallow riverbank. Naota arrives with his umbrella up and a paper bag in hand, he produces a pair of sandals from the bag and hands them to Mamimi, afterwards says her shoes got swept away in the river while she was playing with the puppy. Incidentally, she addresses the puppy as "Takkun".

"Don't you think it's time you grew up?" Naota asks Mamimi as she sets the town on fire in Fire Starter before Naota says, "Don't tell me you actually started that fire..." regarding her with suspicion.

Mamimi tries to get Naota to "play" with her before he leaves, but he says he's too busy, as she's not the only one who summoned him as Mamimi gets a lonely look in her eye. She asks Naota to find something for it to eat, but Naota tells her to find it herself, and coldly takes his leave.

After Naota leaves, Mamimi stays there clutching the dog for a while.

Naota stops at the Medical Mechanica factory, where he signs to have Haruko released as she tried breaking into the facility with her Vespa. Haruko is pouty and covered in bruises. Of course, she shows no hint of remorse.

"Why am I the only grown-up on this entire planet?" Naota sighs as he bails her out. The factory security guard is Mamimi's father who addresses Naota with familiarity. Naota, reflecting on what he and Mamimi do in private and fearing that she’s the arsonist, is internally shaken. Haruko detects this and responds with a cool-headed remark. However, she also appears to have reassessed Naota's personality. "Still, you came for me," she says, seeming secretly glad.

Mamimi continues clutching onto the puppy. The puppy, however, is apparently very hungry. Even the strange Mamimi is at a loss for how to react, when… Canti offers her the bread he was carrying. "Is this for the pup?" Mamimi asks as the rain conveniently lets up at this time, and a single ray of sunlight shines through the thick cloud cover like a spotlight, illuminating Canti. His body, freshly washed by the rain, sparkles like a god (or so it appears to Mamimi). Hallelujah.

"It's God... You're God..." Mamimi is overcome with emotion and as the robot takes his leave she soon after follows after Canti, bringing her to the front yard of the Nandaba residence. After eating the bread, the puppy runs off somewhere. "Takkun is always quick to take off" Mamimi says before she encounters the Nandaba grandfather, Shigekuni, on the front stoop, and he treats her meanly. Evidently, Shigekuni dislikes Mamimi or rather, he is jealous because she's the older brother Tasuku's girlfriend and as such he lies to her childishly and bullies her whenever he can, he is an old man showing no ounce of maturity.

In contrast, when Haruko is brought home by Naota, both the father and grandfather fawn over her, to her delight. Naota takes notice of what's happening at the Nandaba residence as well as Canti's protective gaze over Mamimi, but he becomes slightly jealous of Canti because Mamimi regards him as a god. The next day, Naota is coming home from school. He sees Mamimi by the river, being bullied by some female classmates. The classmates take Mamimi's shoes and let them get swept up by the river. Naota in that moment realizes for the first time that this is why Mamimi is always calling him up saying she's lost her shoes, it's because she's being bullied. After a while the bullies leave however, Mamimi realizes that Naota saw everything.

Having seen and been seen, the two grow awkward and Naota eventually returns home and overhears another conversation between Haruko and the mystery man (Miyu Miyu). Later that night a fire breaks out near the Nandaba residence. It's the house of one of Mamimi's bullies. Rumors spread that it was an act of arson and Naota believes Mamimi to be the culprit, the police show up for questioning but the boy denies knowing anything about the situation. The police show up for questioning, but Naota says he knows nothing. However, he hears that the fire was started with a cigarette as his suspicion towards Mamimi deepens.

The police then receive a tip that a high school girl who is likely to be the culprit has been spotted near the highway as they rush to the scene in a patrol car. Not good, Naota thinks, Mamimi will be caught. Then suddenly Haruko appears on her Vespa, initiating a chase with the patrol car. and after a while the patrol car flips and explodes in flames. Seeing this, Naota suspects Haruko meant to save Mamimi, but he isn't very certain about it but he doesn’t dwell on it for long. For now, he chases after Mamimi.

He finds Mamimi on the bridge an in the distance, flames light up the sky. Mamimi is playing her Fire Starter game and as she watches the fire, she comments on how pretty it is. Mamimi continues making remarks that leave it unclear whether she's talking about the game or the actual fires that she started. Naota is on his own because this time it is Mamimi who says "See ya" and takes off.

Mamimi starts heading in a direction away from her home, and Naota chases after her as Mamimi lights a cigarette. "Mamimi, what have you..." and just as Naota tries to tell Mamimi he knows she's the arsonist, a Medical Mechanica robot appears from inside his mouth (does Mamimi faint again?). Haruko's bracelet starts to react again as she leaps to the scene with Canti in tow. As it would turn out the Medical Mechanica robot that had appeared is the same one whose hand was severed last time. Haruko and Canti rush to the scene. Canti battles with the dog-bot, but is suppressed.

Haruko, too, is unable to overcome the dog robot's bewildering power. The dog robot then goes ballistic, resulting in Haruko and Mamimi both being placed in danger. At this time, Naota is swallowed into the body of Canti causing the robot's "mood" to change. In one fell swoop, his dopey disposition is replaced with one of an intelligent combat robot. Haruko sees Canti in this state and dons a serious expression, "Atomsk... It's you..." she says.

Meanwhile, Naota, surrounded by darkness, discovers he has merged with Canti. He concludes that he has been chosen as Canti's pilot as the robot suddenly takes the offensive, but the combatants' capabilities are evenly matched. Mamimi, unaware that Naota is now inside, confesses to Canti, thinking he is God. The arson, her loneliness, all of it. Naota, inside Canti, is able to hear Mamimi and sympathizes with her and decides that he must spend more time with her in the future, and protect her.

Canti suddenly takes the offensive, but the combatants' capabilities are evenly matched. "Isn't there any stronger weapon?" Naota seemingly asks himself before a voice calls to him, "There is," says the voice of Atomsk, "but it's dangerous. And when you use it you'll lose consciousness. It might even put your life at risk." But Mamimi and Haruko need saving.

"I don't care, make it happen," says a fervently Naota. A missile-like object launches at high speed from Canti's abdomen. "N. Launcher!" The missile damages the dog-bot and returns. Canti repeats the attack (In actuality, the ammunition is Naota himself, who has lost consciousness after entering "Hard-Cell Mode", but this is still a secret).

The dog-bot just barely manages to catch the missile-like object, revealing... the projectile is Naota himself, who has lost consciousness after entering "Hard-Cell Mode". Haruko and Mamimi see this. "All right, go for it!" Haruko cries, cheering Canti on. The N. (Naota) Launcher at last destroys the dog-bot.

Inside Canti, Naota regains consciousness. "I... won?" the disheveled boy asks. Naota separates from Canti. "I've been chosen. I'm the only one who can use this robot," he concludes. Mamimi sees the scar left on Naota's head and mutters, "I bet that hurts..." A patrol car soon arrives to the scene, its siren blaring. Naota and Mamimi share a worried look, but- "What're you two doing? Let's cheese it. Haruko says as she lets them on her Vespa and the three take off into the night, back to town. Canti soars alongside, escorting them.


Despite never making it to the final draft, one of the scenes detailed in the early episode draft would later be reused in the novel.

A few days after the events of the last battle, the Medical Mechanica factory is still in the grip of a giant hand.

The scene then cuts to Mabase Elementary School where makes an announcement. "There has been an evacuation advisory for those living in the vicinity of the MM factory," says Miyaji. "You are not to go near the factory under any circumstance. They say that big machine caused a lot of trouble in town before...". As this is happening, Gaku, Masashi, and Ninamori observe an empty seat. It's Naota's. "Absent again...?" one of them says. The scene then cuts to the riverbank after school as Mamimi is searching for Takkun, the cat. He emerges from a patch of tall grass, but Ninamori just happens to be passing through on her way home and spots the pair as Mamimi recoils from Ninamori's arrival (Mamimi is the less emotionally mature one of the two).

"We've decided to keep that cat at my house," says Ninamori much to Mamimi’s surprise. "But he's my Takkun" the high school girl replies as she calls out for the cat but he unpityingly runs over to Ninamori.

"Unlike you, I actually take proper care of him," says Ninamori. "You have to go all in if you love something." Mamimi is unable to retort. Elsewhere, the Medical Mechanica factory belches steam and shifts a bit, but soon comes to a halt. Amarao and company are observing this. "It's stuck mid-way..." one of them says. If Medical Mechanica initiates their plot to flatten the entire earth, the planet is done for. Amarao gets intel that Medical Mechanica lost a robot's core unit in the previous battle. The Bureau of Interstellar Immigration initiates an all-hands search for it.

Left behind by everyone, even Takkun the cat, Mamimi is all alone. While alone, she discovers a mysterious robot by the river but in actuality, this is the Medical Mechanica robot's core unit. Meanwhile, Naota is cutting class and just idling around before he sneaks a pack of cigarettes from a vending machine. Ever since the last incident, he's been inconsolably angry with Canti, Mamimi, and the world around him in general. Suddenly, he encounters Amarao, who is in the midst of searching for the core unit. Naota scrambles to hide his cigarettes as Amarao tries to win him over, "If you're a grown-up you should know. Raharu is an alien. Work with us". Considering a scenario in which the core unit can't be found and falls into the hands of Medical Mechanica, he proposes holding Canti in protective custody.

If the situation calls for it, he plans to use Canti as a bargaining chip with Medical Mechanica. Naota during his encounter with Amarao, learns that Haruko is a space alien, but he is also aware that he is drawn to her vitality and charm and that she likes him, too or so Naota still thinks. Naota is perplexed by the fact that he himself was Canti's bullet all the while he puts a cigarette in his mouth and tries to light it, but it just won't light. "Yeah, who cares what happens to the earth?" Naota thinks. "If Haruko needs me, we'll make a lovers' getaway to space!". Amarao notices Naota’s smoking attempt and says , "Not that it matters, but you have to breathe in or the cigarette won't light”.

Elsewhere, Mamimi starts looking after the little living machine she picked up and names it Takkun. The mechanical Takkun starts to grow, little by little. (What if Mamimi gets a phone call from Tasuku and he completely breaks her heart, and that somehow spurs the machine's growth? Like maybe she breaks her phone in a fit of anger and the machine absorbs it.) Mamimi attaches a collar to Takkun so he won't get away this time. Meanwhile, Naota returns home, having resolved to ditch the planet earth, but– he overhears Haruko talking to Miyu Miyu. "I'll never forgive them..." he says.

As it would turn out, it was the Mabase Medical Mechanica plant that created Canti. In other words, they were the ones who turned Atomsk into Canti. Haruko, who normally conducts her business like it's merely "a job", seems genuinely enraged at Medical Mechanica this time. She speaks in an uncharacteristically serious tone. "I'll crush that factory!" she says but destroying it from the inside is impossible as she had previously attempted to break in with her Vespa before, there's no way in but what about destroying it from the outside? If she can do it before they make their move, she might have a chance. If she can destroy the factory, she'll accompany Atomsk (Canti) back to space.

Naota, eavesdropping, is shocked by this. Haruko liked some other guy, not him! And here he'd secretly resolved to flee to space with her...Guess there's nothing great in this world after all. Meanwhile, using a tracker, Amarao finally finds the core unit he's been searching for. However- it appears someone else had gotten to it first, Mamimi. "What's happened here...?" he asks, as Mamimi has been raising it, the core unit has taken a humanoid (teenaged boy) form, already evolved to the point that it can walk around on its own. Having been seen and not wanting to get caught, both Mamimi and the terminal core make a lovers getaway.

Later that night at the Nandaba residence, Haruko and Naota talk bunk-to-bunk. Haruko tells him about the guy she's fallen in love with, Atomsk, and explains that her bracelet is actually a handcuff which indicates the location of her beloved. The most important takeaway is that she's found out where he is.

The next day, at last, the core unit merges with the Medical Mechanica robot. Meanwhile Mamimi, who is attached to mecha-Takkun via his collar, gets swallowed into the robot and soon the iron-shaped factory starts to move (Mamimi in pain?). Upon the discovery of the plant's activation, Kamon brings Haruko and Canti to the field of battle in a Citroën. He tells old stories about Naota's mother such as the time when Kamon gave up on going to space with her so Naota could be brought up on Earth, etc. (Naota still wanted to abandon Earth and run off to space alone with Haruko?).

Meanwhile, Amarao tries to recruit Naota's help in securing Canti. Medical Mechanica is on the move. At this point, a trade-off is the only way they might protect the earth. As if in compliance with this, Naota makes his way to Canti and after a while once again merges with the robot and acts as his ammunition, going against Amarao’s plan as this is more for Haruko's sake than for the sake of the Earth. Naota turns into Launcher-Canti's cannon shell and attacks the factory as a tough battle unfolds.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Amarao grumbles indignantly. "Are you trying to betray Earth?!". Naota returns to the inside of Canti's body. There, he has a momentary vision of a distant planet. It's a stark, creepy world whose entire surface is flat, with countless enormous irons moving back and forth. Haruko is locked in battle there, along with an unknown boy (Atomsk). The boy fights with a guitar in hand…undiscouraged, Naota urges Canti to fire again and so he did. A guitar--the one which should be in Naota's bedroom-- emerges from his head. With that in hand, they finally destroy the Medical Mechanica robot's core unit and rescue Mamimi.

The scene cuts to the Nandaba residence at night, the final night with Haruko as she and Naota lie in bed talking bunk-to-bunk. "I really liked Mamimi until you came along..." Naota says to which Haruko replies with, "You're still a kid, Takkun, don't sweat it". When Naota awakens the next morning, Haruko and Canti are gone with the only trace being Haruko's bracelet left behind on his desk. Thinking of Haruko, Naota starts to cry, quite surprisingly, Kamon comforts him.

A few months later, it's spring. Naota has become a middle school student. The Medical Mechanica factory has shut down, allegedly due to an accident and a monologue divulges what has since become of Tasuku and Mamimi. Despite this however, something moves inside Naota's pocket. He pulls it out and it's Haruko's bracelet as the chain is pointing up toward space. Naota gazes up at the distant sky.


The following are ideas that never made it into the series however, some of these eventually did make their way into the final script with alterations. These ideas are being presented as they were originally translated.

  • Naota and the grandfather get suspicious of the dad and Haru-Hara's relationship, start peeping.
  • A quadrupedal twin robot. Body is a different color on top and bottom. Rotates back and forth, and whichever side is up is the side that speaks (Yoshida Sensha-style).
  • A protection group that randomly appears to champion robot rights on Canti's behalf.
  • "Your stupid battle wrecked our house!" The family shows up at Mamimi's home (a multiple dwelling complex).
  • Fraternity sends down another agent. Haruko's rival. Cat-versus-dog type of relationship.
  • A pushy upperclassman makes advances on Mamimi, she claims to be dating Naota as an excuse to turn him down, upperclassman gets involved in their business.
  • An accident causes a nuclear satellite to come crashing toward the earth, but it gets knocked back with a metal bat.
  • In a fit of senility, the grandpa goes wild with a Japanese sword. Afterward he temporarily comes back to his senses and says something profound.
  • Mamimi is pestered by bad kids. Haruko happens to be passing through and runs over the bad kids, resolving the situation.
  • Naota mistakenly thinks his dad has been replaced with a fake, and clobbers his dad in the face with a bat. His concerned teacher comes to counsel him.
  • Part-timer girl at the bakery. Pretty girl with glasses. But a Kuzuhara-san (the Enomoto character). Private life is a mystery.
  • Small humanoid pack robots. Individually very cute; squirm and fidget when captured. Fire should always be blasting out of the muffler of Haruko's Vespa.
  • Mamimi's handheld video game, "Faista" (Fire Starter), is Sim City in reverse: set fire to a city that just keeps growing.
  • Mamimi copes with stress by setting fires. Naota is the only one who realizes, and decides that he must hang out with her to keep an eye on her and get her to stop. Is this love? Or something else...?
  • The Nandaba's cat – a fat, black-and-white tabby (12 years old) – speaks to Naota in a hallucination (or in a dream). Appears in the form of a man in a cat mask and judo gi and offers life advice. The Cat Inside.
  • Mamimi sees Canti at the riverbank in the rain caring for an abandoned cat, and falls for him. The slow turning of the seasons. Snow accumulates on a distant mountain range. Cold mornings.
  • Naota's room--used to be occupied by both him and his brother, so there's a bunk bed with the bottom bunk empty.
  • Haruko's entrance scene: Suddenly hits Naota with her Vespa. Asks the dazed Naota for directions.
  • Naota gets introspective while on a railway bridge on the route to school. The sound of the river.

Early characterizations[]

The following are early characterizations for the main cast, which have some similarities with their final counterparts but ultimately have many differences, these are being presented as they were originally translated.

Harahara Haruko[]


Wayfaring housekeeper who shows up on a Vespa.

Apparently unable to stop her vehicle properly, she's constantly running people over. Selfish, audacious, irresponsible. On top of that, violent and moronic. Does what she wants how she wants, makes mountains out of molehills - a troublemaker. Talks to self frequently. Beautiful, of course (tall).

In actuality, she is a rookie operative of the Galactic Space Police Brotherhood "Fraternity" (she is a space alien, and a sort of Superman-type).

Allegedly, she is conducting an undercover investigation of the robot technology being developed by enormous medical equipment manufacturer Medical Mechanica (abbreviated "M.M.").

Uses blunt weapons such as bats and guitars.

Receives orders via pager.

Nandaba Naota[]

- (12)

A self-proclaimed "Tensai-chan" (Genius Boy) in the sixth grade, whose sights are set on passing the entrance exam for a prestigious private junior high school.

Considers the adults in his midst (including his own father) to be idiots, and often puts on airs of being mature and hard to impress.

Thinks it's cool and mature to act pragmatically, considering gain versus loss.

Doesn't get along with Haruko, who is irresponsible and audacious - but...

Relationship with Mamimi might also surpass her relationship with Naota's older brother (of whom she's the GF).

Naota Nandaba ver 2.0[]

- Nandaba Naota

Even at his cram school, he’s a brilliant student in the top ranks

Always studying from a vocabulary notebook

Habitually scribbles notes with mechanical pencil

Initially put off by her but gradually becomes drawn to her as story progresses

Extreme sweet tooth (justifies this immaturity by saying “it’s good for your brain”)/ can’t swim/ unlucky

“You’re one to talk”

"Anta”, “Omae”, “Mami-nee” “Jii-chan”, “Tou-chan”

Mamimi Samejima[]


The girlfriend of Naota's older brother (who is away from home playing baseball overseas).

The kind of kid who used to get bullied and now poses as a jock.

Has a nonchalant, dimwitted vibe. Only able to communicate with Naota's brother by phone, which has recently caused a buildup of stress. This causes her to start seeking Naota's attention.

Quick to take people's remarks seriously, easily impressionable. Smoker. Likes handheld games.

Speaks with a dull drawl: "Ughh, okay already! Ay-okay!"

"I 'unno, beats me."

Mamimi Samejima ver 2.0[]

- Samejima Mamimi (--- Nandaba Kouta)

Lives in a multiple dwelling complex by the river/ father is an engineer for MM, always comes home late

Likes to take photos (Hiromix fan) / Konica BM 3.08 / but doesn’t do self-nudes

Has tendency to flash toothy smiles

“Takkun”, “Takkun’s dad”, “Haruko-san”


- (Robot)

A black, two-meter-tall prototype robot produced by Medical Mechanica. Scouted by Haruko after parting from the M.M. facility, he becomes her subordinate.

A diligent and attentive good sport. Likes cats. Smokes cigars. Uses polite speech regardless of who he's addressing. For unknown reasons, his body contains a small cockpit space. Has a large scar on his head, which is related to a traumatic event.

In love with Haruko. Works odd jobs to cover his expensive fuel and battery costs.

Hobbies are baseball (he joins the neighborhood sandlot team) and poetry.

- Need to think about why he parted from M.M. Did he escape? Was he tossed out? If we contrive a background story will it complicate things too much later?

Canti ver 2.0[]

- Canti (Robot)

Head is plainly a TV / Has lost his memory

Has cockpit space only big enough for a small child to board. Naota ends up inside. Is an autonomous robot, but having a person aboard allows him to operate at peak performance by making use of a child’s unique capabilities

Kamon Nandaba[]

- (46)

A retiree of corporate life who now runs a small-town bakery. Constantly coming up with new specialty baked goods. Carefree and happy-go-lucky. Speaks with a tone of superiority but isn't actually very persuasive. Appears considerate but can be pushy and overenthusiastic about weird things. Looks like Matsuo Suzuki with glasses. A deadbeat dad. "Adopted son-in-law".

Kamon Nandaba ver.20[]

- Father (-- Nandaba Masatoshi)

Changes his business every day / says he wants to get remarried, to Haruko / matter-of-factly drives a classic car, geeks out about it to Haruko

“Nao”, “otosan”, “Haruko-san”

Eri Ninamori[]

- (12)

Naota’s Classmate, a model student who’s also in Naota’s cram school class

Sees Naota as a rival, chides him at every turn

Shigekuni Nandaba[]

- (70)

An elderly Edokko (Tokyo native) who has started to lose his marbles. Frequently hurls insults at the father, but is kind to Naota. Regards the older brother's baseball talent as a point of pride. Haruko becomes their housekeeper under the pretense of providing care for the grandfather, who has started to go senile. There's also a sense that he uses his senility to justify bad behavior.

Shigekuni Nandaba ver 2.0[]

- Grandfather

Nandaba Shigekuni / Always wears a jersey

Played baseball as a boy

Tells stories from the good old days that may or may not be true

Slightly mean to Mamimi out of jealousy

Tends to snicker

Initial Planning Notes[]

The first half of this section are miscellaneous notes by Kazuya Tsurumaki which are then proceeded by an early version of FLCL.

[First Page]

? Hotel Male — Female Encounter — Conflict → Crescendo M → CM → Gas accident → Three women talking → Man at work → Woman at work Respective → Three women talking → Man at work → What the?

  • N.O phenomenon also occurs in Mamimi's midst
  • Space alien speaking in Osaka dialect → Seems sketchy at first, but at the last moment nonchalantly blurts out some Osaka-speak.


  • A boy who earns pocket money by performing a form of fortune-telling similar to Kokkuri-san.
  • Takes daily detours with his big brother's girlfriend, who invites him to the summer festival.
  • As they're riding together on a bike they witness a UFO crash.
  • Meet a woman claiming to be from space and a robot mouse.
  • Mind gets stolen. Dream?
  • Teacher finds out about his fortune telling job and questions him. He ends up telling the teacher's fortune.
  • It's different than usual. A black creature emerges from the teacher's head and she faints.
  • Haruhara and the robot appear. Boy's mind gets taken hostage and he ends up boarding the robot and doing battle.
  • When he returns home from police questioning (is retrieved by brother's gf), Haruhara is at his house waiting for him.
  • "You dweeb, dontcha know I've come here to protect Earth's peace?"

# 2:  

  • Newly appointed female teacher isn't reaching the students Last episode's incident, a curse → Similar incident occurs Online RPG "Evilive"
  • Memory of an aborted fetus in the woods ——— Distrust of parents ——— Sympathy
  • N.O transformation occurs in Evilive game → Aborted baby from memory Battle
  • Fraternity
  • A detective (No. 8) investigating Evilive arrives before a man identifying himself as "Sakamitsu".
  • CIA make contact (RB).
  • The boy and space girl bicker constantly, as usual.

# 3.

  • No. 8 is pulled off the case by the CIA N.O-ification continues to spread.
  • No. 8's connection to an estranged old friend.

[Second Page]

[Chart TBA]

  • Mind Police
  • Mind - NO
  • To think to decide
  • Picks up a stray cat "Who needs parents? I'll be the parent."


  • Father says he's getting remarried to a woman claiming to be from space → Distrust of father.
  • Newly appointed female teacher overly enthusiastic and doesn't get anywhere.
  • A video game to relieve stress. Online game--"Evilive".
  • Memory of an aborted fetus in the woods ——— Distrust of parents ——— Sympathy
  • N.O transformation occurs in Evilive game → Aborted baby from memory battle
  • Rumor of a cat living in the woods. Supposedly it will tell you the truth.
  • Distrust of parents. They sympathize and hit it off immediately. Brain-dead father. Must make decision on behalf of deadbeat mother.
  • Rumor that those who meet the forest cat-god die
  • Brain death and N.O manifestations
  • Canti diligently hunts for minds
  • Female teacher. Memories from childhood. Led into the woods by a white cat, she discovers an aborted fetus at a small shrine inside an empty jam jar.
  • Father wouldn't tell her the truth — Absolute distrust
  • Female teacher starts to think she can reconcile with father — Shisan closes it with a gag.

[Third Page]


  • Shisan fights with his friend over a minor issue. The detective investigating the NO incidents (No. 8), lingering ties with a betrayed old friend.
  • He chases after the black robot that appeared at the site of the NO incident.
  • Meets Shisan
  • CIA, investigating the "Gyakko" virus.
  • Expansion attachment "Canaxis" appears Frigate
  • The end of summer More than 1000 people have become NO manifestations

# 4.

  • Mamimi winds up dropping out of school. A cool friend. An upperclassman starts following Mamimi around. Mamimi gets chewed out by her teacher and fires back: "I quit." A rough scene... It turns out the upperclassman was into her good friend → Crying
  • Police VS Canti Canaxis. A diplomatic notice from Fraternity

[Fourth Page]


  • Fraternity sends in another unit.
  • Is Haruhara de-N.O.-ifying? Mind is activating.
  • A grade school kid appears to have made Haruhara even stronger. (Little Sister) — Pantagruel Giant Battleship.
  • Has come to retrieve "Gyakko" → Internal conflict at Fraternity Strategy Unit


  • Haruhara becomes an adult — She worries

Project Proposals[]

Version 1.0[]

New Animation Project "Gaki wa Wakatchana”2 (Working Title), Version 1 - 3/31/1999

All the grown-ups around me are idiots. So I've got to be the one who's got it together. Or do I?

Before you can become a good adult, you've gotta be a good kid

  • Slapstick comedy with a smart-alecky elementary school kid and a free-wheeling older girl
  • Robot beat-'em-up action
  • Slightly bittersweet juvenile coming-of-age sci fi
  • A “living room drama”


A robot of unknown origin runs amok in the small town of Mabase. A wayfaring housekeeper, Haruhara Haruko, shows up randomly and takes down the robot with her bare hands.

Haruko turns up at the home of motherless elementary school student Nandaba Naota, whose father and grandfather take a liking to her despite her selfishness and audacity, giving her free rein to run amok.

Samejima Mamimi, the high-school-aged girlfriend of Naota's brother, continues to come and go from the Nandaba residence despite the brother's absence, and even she expresses admiration for Haruko, to the chagrin of the strait-laced Naota.

As giant robots hunt Haruko down and a weak runaway robot named Canti joins the mix, Naota gets caught up in the slapstick madness.

Naota cooperates with Haruko even while bickering with her, and eventually they bring the robot plot to a conclusion. Little by little we start to uncover Haruko's secrets.

Version 2.0[]

New Animation Project "Gaki wa Wakatchana” - Version 2, Undated

Project Proposal - 4/24/1999


-Direct-to-Video Animation

-Coming-of-Age Sci-Fi Action Comedy

-Mini-series, 30 minutes per episode, six episodes in total

All the grown-ups around me are idiots. So I've got to be the one who's got it together. Or do I? Before you can become a good adult, you've gotta be a good kid.

Planning: GAINAX

Created by: Kazuya Tsurumaki and GAINAX

Scenario & Screenplay: Yoji Enokido

Visuals: Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Tadashi Hiramatsu

Director: Kazuya Tsurumaki

  • Slapstick comedy with a smart-alecky elementary school kid and a free-wheeling older girl
  • Robot beat-'em-up action
  • Juvenile coming-of-age sci-fi
  • A "living room drama"